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Characteristics of project
Broadcasting industry
Radio and television broadcast security is an important part of radio and television propaganda. In order to improve the timeliness and it will be accuracy of signal monitoring and prevention of illegal satellite signal interference.
Shopping Retail
Shopping malls, supermarkets and chain stores and other crowded public places, consumption potential, but also with unlimited advertising opportunities.
Financial industry
With the high-speed development of the financial industry informatization, a business office of financial institutions, the use of advanced network digital media platform to realize the financial information published at any time and become first choice to improve business ability and service quality.
Traffic Scheduling
With informationization wave through every corner of the social, the application of multimedia information publishing system is more and more widely, People has more requirements about information to airports and Station transportation hub.
Business office
It uses a high-resolution large-screen display system provides from ipanel , with advanced video surveillance technology, enabling enterprise security, production dispatching, production monitoring, video promotion, information dissemination, and other functions.
Building Community
With the overall economic development, intelligent buildings, upscale community in the news, announcements, manage notifications, weather, services and information, live broadcasts and other information published with urgent needs.
Medical industry
With the overall improvement of living standards and progress of society, people on the medical service level requirements are also increasing. The hospital is an important place and was closely related to people's lives, but also the medical community is concerned the service window.
Security Industry
National create a safe city, safe streets, the introduction of a harmonious community policies, further development of LCD technology, LCD splicing applications will be used more widely in monitoring.
Consulting Industry
In numerous communication platforms, talent market and exhibition consulting industry become the fastest growing public platform. We provide perfect solutions consulting industry, building a unified management, convenient and intuitive information publishing platform.

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